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Sydney Photography Studio

Apr 1, 20224 min read
How I found my dream job
How do you find your dream job??? Start by asking yourself 1. What are you good at ? 2. What are you passionate about ? 3. If you could...

Nov 10, 20195 min read
PUBLISHED AGAIN - Iconic Child Magazine
Imagini is a premium child photography studio in Sydney and has been published in multiple international magazines

May 15, 20192 min read
It is always exciting to have your work recognised by your Industry Peers ! And I am particularly excited about winning an award for my...

Mar 31, 20194 min read
When you outgrow your name - Introducing IMAGINI PHOTOGRAPHY
When I started my photographer business, I had just had my two beautiful girls. My entire life was about my girls and about my family....

May 30, 20183 min read
Working with the Worlds Finest - Paulina Duczman
Since starting photography, I have met such amazing, inspiration, talented, supportive and giving people in this industry. When I came...
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